The ecological value of Australia’s forests is very important. This is not only because of its fundamental contribution to the oxygen supply, but because it also preserves and enriches soils, providing balance and well-being in the biosphere and in the habitat of fauna and flora. In Australia, approximately 147 million hectares of native forests are still preserved, representing about 19% of the Earth.
Types of Forests
Australia currently has 457 forest communities, which are grouped into seven forest varieties:
- Melaleuca forests
Myrtle plant family dominates the Melaleuca forests including tea-trees and honey myrtle. Specialists have discovered more than 200 types of these plants, a lot of them found in Australia. Melaleuca woods are basically situated in the northern region of the nation, where they spread roughly 6.4 million hectares. 84% of the Melaleuca backwoods are found in Queensland. The trees in this kind of backwoods are described by an extraordinary looking bark, which develops in a few slim layers that will strip off the tree trunk.
- Rainforests
Rainforests are found in a few Australian states. A portion of the nation’s most notable rainforests include;
- Kakadu National Park – monsoon rainforests
- Tasmania – temperate rainforests
- Otway Ranges of Victoria – fern-filled rainforests
- Queensland – Daintree rainforests
- Kimberley – dry rainforests
- Gondwanan rainforests
In Gondwanan rainforests is along the eastern shore of Australia and it is also home to several threatened and endangered species.
- Casuarina forests
The Casuarina forests are made up of 17 unique shrub and tree species, which are all viewed as evergreens. It is located in Australia and some areas in the Pacific islands. Just the tallest Casuarina species are viewed as forests, and the shrubs and bushes are found in different ecosystems.
- Eucalypt forests
Eucalypt woodlands have predominantly trees from the Eucalypt plant family, which comprises of approximately 900 species. 75% of Australia’s forest habitats is a made up of Eucalypt forests. They are so common in the country. This environment began from rainforest areas and evolved due to drought and poor supplements. They are a significant environment for various animal species. Indigenes in the Eucalypt forests areas rely on the forest for several purposes, including being a source of wood for boats and weapons and as a source of medicinal oils.
- Acacia forests
Acacia forests are made up of the acacia plant species, comprised of shrubs and trees that are local to Africa and Australia. These trees are viewed as nitrogen-enhancing, which means they discharge nitrogens into the surrounding soil. The subsequent nitrogen-rich scene helps various other plant types to flourish.
- Callitris forests
Callitris forests are comprised of 16 sorts of coniferous trees, 13 of which are local to Australia. Callitris trees are sometimes called cypress-pine due to their appearance, but it is the wrong or inaccurate name. These woods exist in drier zones all through Australia and are normally found inland, instead of close waterfront areas.
- Mangrove forests
Mangrove forests are located in high saline areas. These sorts of woodlands develop along bays, coasts, tidal zones, and different territories with brackish waters inside subtropical and tropical atmospheres.